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Friday, August 6, 2010

Film Budgets | Film Festivals | Cannes |

Cannes film festival - Festival de Cannes - May 11-22, 2011

The Grand Damme of the international film festival circuit the Cannes film festival garners the most prestige for a filmmaker and their movie. While generally promoting movies with modest film budgets from acclaimed aeteurs, the festival embraces Hollywood big budget fare as well to enlist star power to join in the festivities, especially the famous Red Carpet walk of stars.

Set on the shores of the Mediterranean of the Côte d'Azur of southern France Cannes likewise boasts it's industry standart Cannes film market.


Distributors and foreign sales agents, buyers and sellers, convene on the croisette to barter films, make deals and network relationships.

Star talent is likewise often requested to attend the meetings in the sales floor at the local hotels to influence and impress the overseas buyers.

As a baromter of the film industry Cannes is the leader in quality and an indicator of the current state of the market.

Film Festivals are a major ingredient in the distribution game for independent filmmakers.  Film Budgets increasingly are being tightened and this extends to marketing and distribution too as production companys belt tighten amidst their own cash resource deficits. is a blog for producers, directors, actors and writers working to move their projects into production.

Film is the international leader in worlwide film budgets and schedules and film tax incentive consultant.

Producer/Founder Jack Binder (Reign Over Me, The Upside of Anger) has been producing film and television for 25 years with extensive experience from Executive Producer to Line Producer on set experience.

