Cannes Film Festival 2012 Awards Winners List
As the Cannes Film Festival winds down another celebrity, movie and event filled session of arthouse film and worldwide auteurs we proudly list the Winners. The Palme d'Or went to 'Amour' directed by Michael Haneke, his second win for the award.
from Cineuropa (view the article)
As the Cannes Film Festival winds down another celebrity, movie and event filled session of arthouse film and worldwide auteurs we proudly list the Winners. The Palme d'Or went to 'Amour' directed by Michael Haneke, his second win for the award.
Palme d´Or
Love - Michael Haneke
Grand Prix
Reality - Matteo Garrone
Best Actress
Cristina Flutur, Cosmina Stratan - Beyond the Hills
Best Actor
Mads Mikkelsen - The Hunt
Best Director
Carlos Reygadas - Post Tenebras Lux
Best Screenplay
Beyond the Hills - Cristian Mungiu
Jury Prize
The Angels' Share - Ken Loach
Caméra d´Or
Beasts of the Southern Wild - Benh Zeitlin
Palme d'Or for Best Short Film
Silence - L. Rezan Yesilbas |
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