The Sarasota Film Festival has earned its position in the ranks of highly acclaimed film festivals in the country, by amongst the others, attracting top talent, big movie stars, directors and writers and by its national and international awareness. Independent cinema is fetted and star driven films with film budgets ranging from major to micro and talent from across the spectrum of filmmaking.
The SFF 2010 highlighted the holidays with Kevin Kline, a Sarasota Film legend of the screen and director John Landis, of 'Animal House' and 'Blues Brothers' fame. Golden Globe winner Steve Buscemi performed and directed a stage reading of Oren Moverman's 'The Messanger', also starring Ben Foster, who co-stars with Buscemi in Moverman's upcoming film 'Rampart', about the 1990's LA Police Department's Rampart Division and the cases of Police misconduct.
The 2011 SFF will be offering more of such encounters with stars of the Silver Screen starting this April 7th, 2011 and running till the 17th. Movies of all genres and film budgets will be proudly screened. Additional to the usual screenings and Q&A's from film professionals and stars, there will be Family Interactive workshop activities newly introduced this year where kids participate in a pinhole camera and lego animation, eat breakfast and screen short films. Also, Cinema Tropicale is an event hosted at the Yacht club on the 13th where you can enjoy Caribbean beats, mingle with other film makers from the festival, have cocktails and cuisine.
Christopher Plummer will be accepting this year's Cinema Master Award at the Sarasota Opera House on the 16th, where you will be able to attend the celebration of art in film with other stars in the line-up of honorees and presenters. The Closing Night film will be Mike Mills' Focus Feature, 'Beginners,' starring Ewan McGregor, Melanie Laurent, and Christopher Plummer.
For more info on the location of these Sarasota Film Festival events, visit
An ongoing, year round event important to the constant renewal of creativity in the film community is that of the Screenwriter's Circle, which can be attended by writers of every level on the 2nd tuesday of the month from six to eight pm at the Keiser College University, 6151 Lake Osprey Dr, Sarasota, FL. The group facilitator is Laurie Stoner, who will be more than happy to help see your ideas turn into the reality they need to be on paper for a screenplay that is worthy of being looked at by a movie budgeting professional, again taking it to the next level of production and ready to finance.
Presented by the international leader in worldwide film budgets and shooting schedule services.
Film finance, film tax incentives, lenders, investors and of course film production companies all require accurate film budgets in order to move a project into production. Contact to assist you with creating a custom film budget and film finance plan for your movie.
The SFF 2010 highlighted the holidays with Kevin Kline, a Sarasota Film legend of the screen and director John Landis, of 'Animal House' and 'Blues Brothers' fame. Golden Globe winner Steve Buscemi performed and directed a stage reading of Oren Moverman's 'The Messanger', also starring Ben Foster, who co-stars with Buscemi in Moverman's upcoming film 'Rampart', about the 1990's LA Police Department's Rampart Division and the cases of Police misconduct.
The 2011 SFF will be offering more of such encounters with stars of the Silver Screen starting this April 7th, 2011 and running till the 17th. Movies of all genres and film budgets will be proudly screened. Additional to the usual screenings and Q&A's from film professionals and stars, there will be Family Interactive workshop activities newly introduced this year where kids participate in a pinhole camera and lego animation, eat breakfast and screen short films. Also, Cinema Tropicale is an event hosted at the Yacht club on the 13th where you can enjoy Caribbean beats, mingle with other film makers from the festival, have cocktails and cuisine.
Christopher Plummer will be accepting this year's Cinema Master Award at the Sarasota Opera House on the 16th, where you will be able to attend the celebration of art in film with other stars in the line-up of honorees and presenters. The Closing Night film will be Mike Mills' Focus Feature, 'Beginners,' starring Ewan McGregor, Melanie Laurent, and Christopher Plummer.
For more info on the location of these Sarasota Film Festival events, visit
An ongoing, year round event important to the constant renewal of creativity in the film community is that of the Screenwriter's Circle, which can be attended by writers of every level on the 2nd tuesday of the month from six to eight pm at the Keiser College University, 6151 Lake Osprey Dr, Sarasota, FL. The group facilitator is Laurie Stoner, who will be more than happy to help see your ideas turn into the reality they need to be on paper for a screenplay that is worthy of being looked at by a movie budgeting professional, again taking it to the next level of production and ready to finance.
Presented by the international leader in worldwide film budgets and shooting schedule services.
Film finance, film tax incentives, lenders, investors and of course film production companies all require accurate film budgets in order to move a project into production. Contact to assist you with creating a custom film budget and film finance plan for your movie.