The international leader in worldwide film budget and movie schedule production services, film tax incentives, film business plans & indie film budgets

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Line Producer Film Budget Production Services Worldwide provides worldwide line producer film budget production services on a global basis. Determining where to shoot your film or television production takes skill and knowledge of worldwide production centers, crew, currency and film tax credits, incentives and co-productions.

Do not leave your indie film budget and schedule or studio film budget needs to an amateur or sample film budget template. Spend the money on accurate film budgeting from a veteran line producer.

Your film financiers will be acutely aware if you have skimped on the basic film financing document requiring expert film budgeting know how. Your film budget is a direct reflection upon yourself - the filmmaker. founder Jack Binder has been producing feature film and television for 25 years and understands the logistics and worldwide parameters involved in executing a quality film production. - quality, accurate, proven.

Film Budget Video Credits Trailer:

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

An Indie Film Budget and Schedule from a Veteran Line Producer is Fundamental

Getting film financing these days is harder than ever and looks to continue to be that way for awhile. With opportunities for filmmakers decreasing and the odds getting tougher it is more critical than ever to have an indie film budget and schedule in hand.

Even more to the point it is fundamental to have your indie film budget and schedule created by an industry veteran line producer with years of experience in the field and on the set. While anyone can throw together some numbers into a film budget template or using questionable software, only a true film budgeting expert knows that their numbers are accurate.

Film financiers know this as well. That is why whom you obtain your indie film budget and schedule from is an indicator of your ability to delegate and surround yourself with professionals. These industry executives rely upon the advice of trusted line producers and production managers and they certainly can ascertain an amateur film budget mock-up from one custom created by an indie film budget and schedule expert.

One of the first criteria one should look at in someone claiming to know how to create an indie film budget and schedule is to look at their credits. A qualified indie film budget and schedule line producer should have years, if not decades of experience. Just working at a studio (perhaps not even as a film or movie producer) is no substitute for the years of film budgeting knowledge and experience that go into a quality film budget from such a professional.

Beware of imitators and people claiming to be line producers or production managers, or even a producer, they may not be that which they claim to be. is the international leader in worldwide film budget and schedule production services.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Film Tax Incentives Update | Indie Film Budget Impact

The rise and fall of the film tax incentive as a critical enhancement of film budget financial cash flow for local state film industry growth has been well documented yet remains seemingly uncontested. For the last several years the U.S. states have worked to influence indie film producers to bring their films and production dollars to their regions.

However, just as momentum was building for the growing infrastructure and development of local industry, new political winds brought in pols who were against the film business and tax incentives in general. Rather than help individual industries, the concept was to lower all taxes for business to spur growth.

The fact remains that the film tax credits were wonderfully successful. Film productions flocked to the areas with the best incentive. Film crew and film production services companies flourished. Students remained in their hometowns, schools opened film production programs and millions of dollars were spent in the local economies for hotels, restaurants, shops, hardware stores, lumber yards, car and truck rentals, etc.

The rapid destruction of the film tax incentive support system for the indie film budget of movies, especially in the credit crunch recessionary times it has occurred in was another blow to the indie film sector. When treasuries analyze the lost inward expenditure from the film industry they may change their ideas on a film tax credit for the motion picture industry and choose to keep those dollars at home as opposed to going to Canada and overseas.

The international leader in worldwide film budgeting and scheduling production services.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

'Coriolanus' Trailer

Ralph Fiennes directs and stars in the William Shakespeare adaptation 'Coriolanus'. The trailer looks thrilling and intense as a modern day tale erupts in action and dramatic intensity. The film budget is in the $10,000,000 production expenditure range.

Cast includes: Fiennes, Gerard Butler, Vanessa Redgrave, Brian Cox

Written by FilmBudget

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Why Can't I Just Use a Sample Film Budget for Film Finance?

Written by Film Budget

This might seem like a rhetorical or silly question but it sadly is not. The top film finance advisors decry the poor quality of film budget that comes across their desk time and again, either from a mocked-up sample film budget or a form utilized from a software program without the knowledge required to produce accurate figures.

These film financing executives continuously insist that filmmakers engage a qualified line producer to create their custom film budget and schedule for their investment package. The lack of well thought out and thorough financial documentation remains an extremely costly factor in movie production in terms of delay and expense in closing investor and financing deals.

A line producer or unit production manager with years of experience brings their decision making and cost analysis process to each film they create the budget and schedule for. Utilizing this highly regarded skill set is fundamental to good filmmaking practices.